We continue to seek solutions for the residents of Turkmenistan who are unable to access our website due to the blocking of the web resource.
Our website “Chronicles of Turkmenistan” is now accessible at the following address: https://d24s49bpilo0f2.cloudfront.net. You are invited to share this link with your family and friends in Turkmenistan.
Our friends from the organization “Reporters without borders” have launched the project titled Operation Collateral Freedom. In the course of the project implementation “mirrors” of a dozen of websites, which are blocked in their home countries, will be created. Mirror copies will be placed on the servers which are unlikely to be blocked by the governments (although it is technically possible), as this will negatively affect thousands of companies operating in these countries and using these servers on a daily basis.
The campaign by Collateral Freedom is based on the technology designed by Chinese cyber activists from the organization GreatFire. Since 2013 this group has been successfully setting up mirror websites of Deutsche Welle, Google and China Digital Times which are protected from blocking and accessible to Chinese users. The GreatFire developments with an open code can be used by any activists to fight against internet censorship.
The following websites are involved in the project:
• Chronicles of Turkmenistan, blocked in Turkmenistan, is now accessible at https://d24s49bpilo0f2.cloudfront.net
• Vietnam Times, inaccessible in Vietnam, is now available at http://d1s66ldlhegqs2.cloudfront.net
• Grani.ru, blocked in Russia, is now accessible at https://gr1.global.ssl.fastly.net
• Fergananews.com, blocked in Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan, is now accessible at https://fg1.global.ssl.fastly.net
• The Tibet Post, inaccessible in China, is now available at https://tp1.global.ssl.fastly.net
• Dan Lam Bao, blocked in Vietnam, is now accessible at https://dlb1.global.ssl.fastly.net
• Mingjing News, blocked in China, is now accessible at https://mn1.global.ssl.fastly.net
• Hablemos Press, inaccessible in Cuba, is now available at https://hp1.global.ssl.fastly.net
• Gooya News, inaccessible in Iran, is now available at https://gn1.global.ssl.fastly.net
• Gulf Centre for Human Rights, blocked in the UAE and Saudi Arabia, is now accessible at https://gc1.global.ssl.fastly.net
• Bahrain Mirror, blocked in Bahrain and Saudi Arabia, is now accessible at https://bahrainmirror.global.ssl.fastly.net
Reporters without borders call on everyone to join the campaign and post this list in social networks using hash tag #CollateralFreedom